

More than 70 junior high girls recently learned about careers in the manufacturing industry at the Women in Manufacturing Summit at the 这些城市的校园.

这一天包括分组讨论,学生们参与虚拟焊接, 供应链管理, 在数控机床上做钥匙链, 生产线流程. 学生们从 棕色小盒子熟食店 (a woman-owned business) 和 a panel discussion with women who are making an impact in the manufacturing industry.

感谢活动赞助商 约翰迪尔, 加尔瓦市, 斯普林菲尔德军械库麦克劳克林人体公司 和 panelists 吉尔Castree, 蕾妮·朱厄尔, 莎拉瑞安, 贝丝Takemoto 和 乔迪•齐默尔曼.



Jill is a 供应链管理高级经理 for Mitsubishi Logisnext Americas. She earned a Bachelor of Science from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign with a double major in 供应链管理 和 marketing. 在大学期间, she was selected for an internship with 约翰迪尔 doing 供应链管理 for the Ottumwa, IA, 位置. Upon graduation, Jill was offered a role in the supply chain department at 约翰迪尔 Waterloo Works. In 2014, 吉尔搬到了德克萨斯州,开始在三菱物流美国分公司工作, 按收入计算,是全球第三大叉车制造商. 总部设在日本京都的三菱公司为吉尔提供了一个成长的机会. She started as a commodity manager followed by promotions to senior commodity manager, 采购经理和现在, 供应链管理高级经理. 在过去的九年里, 吉尔很享受在大公司工作的机会和挑战, 全球公司. 她的团队管理着7亿多美元的支出, 与全球供应商合作的五条生产线资源, 并与这些供应商协商合同和成本节约. Jill also is leading a transformational software implementation to increase efficiency, 降低供应链和信息安全风险, 并将供应商合作提升到一个新的水平. Jill lives in the Quad Cities 和 continues to travel frequently between Mitsubishi’s plant 位置s in Marengo (near Chicago), 休斯顿和日本.


蕾妮于2006年在约翰迪尔开始了她的职业生涯,在达文波特工厂从事物流工作. She held various roles in supply management before leading the backhoe loader assembly operations as a module leader at Dubuque Works. Renee then joined the seeding 和 tillage organization where she held roles of increasing responsibility – the global product line manager for air seeding, 种植园供应管理经理, 物料流, 生产计划和控制经理, 并由事业部领导进行播种机组装, FPV和航运. She then progressed to Harvester Works as the business unit leader for sheet metal fabrication 和 service parts. In 2019, Renee rejoined construction 和 forestry as the global order fulfillment process leader. 从那时起,Renee领导钢铁商品的全球战略采购. She then transitioned to the Region 4 logistics manager where she 和 her team were responsible for all inbound 和 outbound shipments for the U.S.在美国,墨西哥和加拿大,全球包装和仓储能力. 目前她是收割机公司的物料经理. 在这个职位上,她负责管理采购, 物料流执行, 入站/出站物流, 仓储业务, 收割机工厂的库存控制和订单履行功能. Renee earned a bachelor’s degree in business management from Purdue University 和 an MBA from St. 安布罗斯大学.


Sara has been with 麦克劳克林人体公司 for about 20 years 和 has held many positions including industrial engineer, 制造工程师, 客户经理, human resource manager 和 industrial relations/environmental health 和 safety manager. 去年,她放弃了人力资源部分,专注于EHS部分. Currently she is the EHS manager 和 h和les all safety 和 environmental matters at McLaughlin, 安全培训, 安全执行, 环保局报告, 废水, 废物处理, 雨水和空气排放. She has a Bachelor of Science in industrial engineering from the University of Iowa, 获得罗克赫斯特学院护理学学士学位, 在密苏里大学读了一半MBA.


Beth has 17 years of manufacturing, quality 和 operations experience at 约翰迪尔. 她于2005年在渥太华开始了她的职业生涯,担任物料流工程师, 然后是制造工程师, 最后是团队领导. In 2012, she moved on to a role at 约翰迪尔 corporate where she served as the competency project manager implementing the production supervisor leadership training in the U.S.美国、巴西和中国. In 2014, she moved into a new product engineering supervisor role at the design center for Harvester Works bringing in new combine programs. 后,, 她搬到了Hagie Manufacturing公司, 与迪尔公司的合资企业, 和 became the quality 和 manufacturing manager implementing key quality processes 和 significantly decreasing their failure per machine metric. She moved into business unit leader in combine body then front-end equipment at Harvester before taking on her current role as quality 和 manufacturing process manager at Davenport Works. 她对自己在多元化方面的领导能力感到非常自豪, equity 和 inclusion arena during her career 和 is currently the co-chair of ABLEd, an employee resource group centered around those who are differently abled as well as being an engaged member of the Women In Manufacturing group at Deere. Beth graduated from Iowa State University with a Bachelor of Science in industrial engineering 和 earned an E-MBA from the Tippie Program at the University of Iowa.


Jodi is a team leader at 约翰迪尔 Davenport Works supervising a machining department. Her first job in manufacturing was an internship with 约翰迪尔 while she was completing a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Illinois. She was a 制造工程师ing intern working on large tractors 和 loved her job. 工厂的工作节奏很快, 精力充沛的, 和 gave her the opportunity to interact with people on a daily basis while still using her engineering skillset. She has worked at four different factories since then 和 has continued to feel valued 和 respected as a woman in the workplace. 乔迪相信快速思考, strong communication skills 和 good decision-making ability allow anyone to succeed in a manufacturing role no matter the gender!

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